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from Donna Wilder-Hart
Empathic Tarot & Astrologer

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My passionate career as a professional  Astrologer and Tarot Empath began at 35,000 feet!

At 20 years old, I learned that I was a medium. Married at the time, my husband confirmed for me that the "phone message" I received from my grandfather at 2:30 a.m. was a dream in which I spoke out loud, asking why Grandpa, who never called me, would call me in the wee hours of the morn. In the typical jovial way, he told me that he wanted to say "bye" before he left. I woke up and quizzed my husband if the phone rang. He confirmed that no, I must be dreaming. The next morning my Mum called me to tell me Grandpa had passed away at 2:30 a.m. that very morning. The phone call had come from the 5D.  
Serendipity and an international flight career with a significant airline set me upon a six-year study of astrology. My fellow workmates permitted me to experiment by offering predictions with my new knowledge! They listened with amusement and appropriate skepticism, always kind, as I set about making rather odd predictions. The most memorable predictions, proven true by their verification, were as follows:
>Stolen mail confirmed by a note to the recipient of Postmaster General of Chicago.
>Locating missing children on a mountain hiking adventure as proven and approved by a gifted psychic medium that took the case and confirmed my prediction was correct.
>The full recovery of a person in a coma; predicted by medical personnel to never recover; recovered fully over the time frame I predicted.  
Today you can check out my psychic reviews online over which I have no control. Go to  The review system is independent and internationally recognized.
I love my work and would love to work with you!

Book a reading today. I am kind, compassionate, honest, fast, and gifted.

Thank you for reading my story, much love and happiness, Donna

Donna Wilder-Hart

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